Of Custom, a slave girl may not even ascend
the couch to serve her Masters pleasure.
The point of this restriction,
I suppose, is to draw a clearer distinction between her status
and that of a Free Companion.
At any rate the dignities of the couch are,
by custom, reserved for the Free Companion.
When a Master wishes to make use of a slave girl
he tells her to light the lamp of love which she obediently does,
placing it in the window of his chamber that they may not be disturbed.
then with his own hand he throws upon the floor of his chamber
luxurious love furs, perhaps from the larl itself, and commands her to them.

Priest Kings of Gor
Page 68

One of the first lessons I was taught on Gor was that
concern for a slave was out of place."

Tarnsman of Gor
Page 46

There was a sense…
in which the slave girl is meaningless,
the sense in which she is nothing,
the sense in which she is a mere property,
a rightless object, fitting to be scorned,
to be treated as one pleases,
to be made to serve,
to be disciplined or whipped,
to be kept or cast away, as one might choose…."

Mercenaries of Gor
Page 320

How can you respect me? she asked.
"You are not respected," I told her.
"you are only a slave."
"Yes Master," she said.
"You no longer have any pride to guard," I said,
" A slave is not permitted pride."
"Yes Master," she wept. "Oh, oh." Then she threw her head to the side, on the furs.
"I want to respect myself!" she cried.
"Your obligation is not to respect yourself," I told her,
"but to be yourself."

Explorers of Gor
pg. 175

One often makes a slave absolutely helpless,
and then does what one wants with her.
One commands and uses a slave totally.
That is what they are there for.
They must serve completely.
They must deliver, at so little a word or gesture,
immediately and unquestioningly,
whatever the master desires.
One gets from a slave all that a man could possibly want from a woman,
and more, simply taking it from her, or ordering her to provide it."

Mercenaries of Gor
Page 403

It is said in a Gorean proverb,
that a man,
in his heart, desires freedom,
and that a woman, in her belly, yearns for love.
The collar, in its way, answers both needs.
The man is most free, owning the slave.
He may do what he wishes with her.
The woman, on the other hand is
institutionally and helplessly subject,
in her status as slave, to the submission of love."

Slave Girl of Gor
Page 180

He is Master, and I am Slave.
He is owner, and I am owned.
He commands, and I obey.
He is to be pleased, and I am to please.
Why is this?
Because he is Master, and I am Slave.

Explorers of Gor
pg. 178



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In the House of Stone and Light ~ Martin Page