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I looked down at Feiqa, walking beside the wagon,
the rope on her neck. “Tharlarion,” I told her,
expanding on the driver’s remark, “show little
susceptibility to pain.”

“Yes, Master,” she said.

“In this,” I said, “they closely resemble
female slaves.”

“Oh, no Master!” she cried. “No!”

“No?” I said.

“No,” she said, looking up earnestly,
frightened, “we are terribly susceptible
to pain, truly!”

“Doubtless you were as a free woman,”
I said. “but now you are a slave.”

“I am even more susceptible to pain now,”
she said, “for now I have felt pain,
and know what it is like, and now I have a
slave girl’s total vulnerability and helplessness,
and know that anything can be done to me! Too, my
entire body has become a thousand times more
responsive and sensitive a thousand times more meaningful
and alive, since I have been locked in the collar.
I assure you Master, I am a thousand times more susceptible
to pain now than ever I was before!”

I smiled. Such transformations were common in the
female slave. Just as their sensitivities to pleasure
and feeling, sexual and otherwise, physical and
psychological, conscious and subconscious,
were greatly increased and intensified by being imbonded,
so too, concomitantly, naturally, were their sensitivities
to pain. The same changes that so considerably increased
their capacities in certain directions increased them also
in others, and put them ever so more helplessly, and hopelessly,
at the mercy of their masters.

“Ah,” she said, chagrined, putting down her lovely head,
“Master teases his girl.”

“Perhaps,” I said.
She kept her head down. She blushed.
She looked lovely, the light, locked, steel collar on her throat.

Mercenaries of Gor...pages 34-35

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The music here is for entertainment purposes only. All original images,
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Please support the artist by purchasing their music on
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Broken ~ Lindsey Haun